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EE Times: Design
News An introduction to symbolic simulation | |
Paul Hoxey, Clayton McDonald,
and David Guinther (12/19/2005 8:30 PM EST) URL: http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=175004754 | |
methods for testing functional equivalence are currently available to
designers — conventional simulation, cone-based equivalence checking, and
symbolic simulation. Most designers are familiar with the first two, while
symbolic simulation is newer and has only been commercially available for
a few years. Each method has its strengths, and the most effective
approach depends on the specific application.
Symbolic simulation has been quietly gaining adoption among the world’s leading full-custom memory design teams over the last few years. In symbolic simulation, symbols such as data1, addr7, or w_enable, rather than binary 1s and 0s, are used as input vectors to simulate an RTL or Spice-level circuit. The simulator propagates symbols, rather than binary values, from inputs to outputs. The resulting output equations for the two designs are then compared and verified to be equivalent for all possible input combinations. The use of symbolic simulation removes the RTL restrictions and circuit limitations inherent with today’s cone-based equivalence checking tools. This production-proven technology offers circuit designers the ability to directly verify the functionality of large complex memories and macro cells without having to re-code their RTL or modify their circuits as with other approaches. Another key advantage is that designers can verify their RTL vs. Spice models much sooner in the design flow. Today’s symbolic simulation tools automatically create test benches, so designers can begin design verification earlier without waiting until RTL test benches and Spice test vectors are developed. These new techniques can handle the complex netlists typically found in today’s gigabit memories because one symbolic vector can replace 2n binary vectors, where n is the number of inputs. Huge capacity, coupled with the ability to directly read Verilog RTL and Spice netlists, makes this approach ideal for memory verification applications. This article outlines the key challenges of memory verification, and goes on to describe how symbolic simulation and its underlying technologies offer advantages for verifying full-custom circuit designs, such as memories and macro-cells. Application examples are provided along with a few examples of the types of problems that are often uncovered by using symbolic simulation early in the design flow. Conventional simulation handles moderate-sized designs Conventional simulation is perhaps the most versatile verification method available. To demonstrate that two designs are equivalent, the verification team merely simulates large sets of random or manually generated input vectors on both the reference and implementation designs and then checks that corresponding outputs are identical. This setup is depicted in Figure 1.
![]() Figure 1 — Equivalence checking with conventional simulation.
The primary benefit of this method is that there are no constraints on either the reference or implementation models, other than they have the same ports. Because native simulators are being used, the full expressiveness of both languages can be utilized. This means that the reference is not limited to a synthesizable subset of Verilog or VHDL, and that the implementation can be simulated down to full Spice accuracy. The two designs can also have arbitrarily different state encodings, and can even contain pulsed or self-timed circuits. The drawback of this approach is completeness. Because the number of potential input vectors grows exponentially relative to the size of a design, it is impossible to exhaustively simulate designs with any significant number of inputs. This means there may be large holes in the verification process unless designers spend significant amounts of time ensuring that the test vector suite fully exercises the design’s behavior. Simulation is often used due to its simplicity and ability to handle a wide range of design styles, but its lack of completeness has forced most designers to look for more advanced methods. Cone-based equivalence checking brings completeness Cone-based equivalence checking (also called static equivalence checking) has become the workhorse methodology for cell-based designers. As the name implies, cone-based checkers decompose the reference and implementation designs into logic cones which are groups of logic bordered by registers, ports, or black boxes. Each cone, therefore, represents the fan-in logic of a register or primary output of the module or chip being verified. An example of this process is shown in Figure 2. During equivalence checking, each cone is matched to its equivalent in the other model, and their logical functions are compared using formal analysis methods. If the state elements in each model are identical, the sequential behavior of the two designs will match if each of the individual cone pairs is logically equivalent.
![]() Figure 2 — Design composed into logic cones
Cone-based equivalence checking has two primary advantages: completeness and efficiency. This methodology is extremely fast when applied to specific design styles. In general, cone-based equivalence checking provides maximum benefit to the user when the following conditions apply:
Symbolic simulation offers hybrid approach Symbolic simulation can be considered a hybrid of the two previous methodologies. As in conventional simulation, equivalence is determined by simulating both designs and verifying that their outputs match over a number of cycles. By adapting formal techniques from cone-based equivalence checking, symbolic simulators perform this comparison quickly and exhaustively, even for extremely large designs. While conventional simulation applies 0s and 1s to the inputs, symbolic simulation applies symbols, where each symbol can simultaneously represent both 0 and 1. One symbolic vector, when applied to a model or netlist with n inputs, can replace 2n “binary” vectors, thereby providing much more comprehensive coverage. The symbolic simulator propagates the equations for the symbols towards the outputs, producing the symbolic result that is used to verify equivalence as shown in Figure 3.
![]() Figure 3 — Equivalence checking with symbolic simulation.
The equations on the outputs from the symbolic simulator represent the results of all input combinations that could have been created by assigning a 1 or 0 to any of the input symbols. Therefore, these results are the same as would be obtained by simulating with an exhaustive set of traditional vectors, providing vastly improved coverage over conventional simulation in less time. For example, a 256-entry, 32-bit SRAM will have at least 40 inputs, resulting in 2(40*4) (> 1050) possible 4-cycle vectors. Even if a conventional simulator could complete each run in less than a second, it would take a billion CPUs over 1015 trillion years to exhaustively simulate the design, whereas a symbolic simulator can complete this task in about an hour.
Symbolic simulation is capable of comparing two designs at any abstraction level (including behavioral RTL or transistor-level Spice), even if the two designs have radically different state encodings. This technology is extremely beneficial for full-custom memory verification. For that reason it’s often used in conjunction with cone-based equivalence checking to verify SoC designs that include both synthesized logic, and full-custom blocks, such as memories. Selecting the right technology As shown in Figure 4, the three methodologies presented can be considered to lie on a continuum, with cone-based equivalence checking at one end and conventional simulation on the other. Cone-based equivalence checking is typically the most complete and efficient approach, but there are restrictions on its use for some design styles. Conventional simulation is effectively unlimited in terms of design styles supported, but has severe coverage and completeness problems. Symbolic simulation fills an important slot in the middle, high-capacity transistor-based verification space. In addition to its ability to verify a wide range of behavioral models and transistor netlists, symbolic simulation utilizes timing models that are effective for many types of full-custom designs — including those containing self-timed circuits or bi-stable analog components such as sense-amplifiers.
![]() Figure 4 — Continuum of equivalence-checking methods
One limitation of both conventional and symbolic simulation approaches is that they can only verify equivalence over a specified number of cycles. Cone-based equivalence checking, on the other hand, is valid for infinite-length vectors because it correlates individual state points. While this approach guarantees that two designs will have identical sequential behavior, it also provides a limitation in that functionality must generally match at a state-point level in the design. Symbolic simulation, however, is the ideal approach for flow-through designs, such as memories or designs where the majority of state elements simply provide pipelining. In such cases, a design’s sequential depth can be determined and its equivalence can be proven by symbolic simulation. A good rule of thumb is that simulation-based approaches are most suitable for designs in which the majority of state elements hold data rather than control information. This includes memories, FIFOs, register files, pipelined execution units, and so forth. This contrast also raises another benefit for binary and symbolic simulation in that the functionality of an RTL and transistor netlist need only match at the block boundary. This ability to use widely variant encoding schemes provides complete freedom to the design team in their selection of implementation options. Generally, if cone-based equivalence checking can meet the verification requirements of a design, then it should be considered the preferred methodology because it is fast and requires very little effort to run. However, if any of those constraints are not met, and the design is primarily digital in nature, then symbolic simulation-based equivalence checking would be preferred. Finally, if the design contains substantial analog content, such as PLLs, A/Ds and D/As, then designers may be forced to rely on conventional simulation with random or hand-generated vectors for equivalence checking. Symbolic simulation techniques are generally applicable for functions that contain analog functions that resolve to a digital output, which are not well supported by cone-based equivalence checking tools. Examples of these types of circuits include memory sense amps, I/O level shifters, and pulse generators. Circuit challenges for custom designers While full-custom digital circuits (such as memories and I/O cells) pose problems for cone-based EC tools, they are particularly amenable to symbolic simulation. The following sections discuss a few specific examples where symbolic simulation is the preferred equivalence-checking methodology. While these examples are most relevant to full-custom memory designers, it is worth noting that library developers also benefit from the technology because it handles more than just standard combinatorial gates. Dynamic logic, for example, is easily read and verified by symbolic simulation-based tools. Behavioral models Because cone-based equivalence checkers require the models to be represented as combinational logic, the behavioral models must be translated to a functionally equivalent state-based representation, such as RTL. This can be a difficult task, error prone at least, that imposes unnecessary restrictions on logic designers and decreases productivity. Symbolic simulation directly handles behavioral code, eliminating these restrictions. Pulsed flip-flops This significantly complicates the modeling effort and lowers confidence in the result of the verification. Symbolic simulation, when used in conjunction with timing-accurate models, takes circuit delay into account and can verify equivalence for pulse-based logic. Self-timed circuits Bidirectional transistors Because cone-based equivalence checkers rely on abstracting transistors to the gate level, they cannot handle bidirectional transistors unless a fairly complicated manual model is provided. This further increases the modeling effort and reduces confidence in the result. Because symbolic simulation does not rely on logic abstraction techniques, it is able to verify logic functionality, not just circuit topology. Sense-amp logic Because cone-based equivalence checkers assume all signals are full-rail signals, they cannot verify circuits with sense amplifiers unless the circuit block containing the sense amplifier is replaced with a manually generated model. This modeling is tedious and error-prone, especially if additional logic is embedded inside the sense amplifier block. While sense-amps are essentially analog in nature, they can still be verified by symbolic simulation coupled with advanced circuit-modeling techniques. Applying symbolic simulation to custom circuits Symbolic simulation techniques can be used throughout the design process. Used early in the flow, symbolic simulation identifies simple mistakes that often take days to find with simulation alone. As the simulation models and circuit designs mature, symbolic simulation can be used to flag errors that are not real because they are not legal conditions. Once properly constrained, these types of errors are eliminated. Finally, symbolic simulation can be used for “check-in” tests. Using this technique, tests are scripted into design flows and run automatically to ensure that any errors introduced by late-stage changes to RTL models or Spice netlists are found promptly before they are incorrectly introduced into a released set of simulation models or circuit designs. Using symbolic simulation With a little experience, designers can get a new block of logic up and running within a few hours. The performance is fast, which makes iterative runs go very quickly — often in seconds or minutes. This fast turn-around helps identify “dumb” errors quickly. As designs mature, the run times usually peak out at an hour or hours, which is adequate time to verify complex memories and macros. Because these tools provide a thorough analysis of models vs. netlists for all possible input conditions, designers need to be aware of input combinations that should not or can not take place during normal circuit operations. This is especially true when verifying block-level functionality because symbolic simulation is very effective at finding combinations which designers might not consider. Circuit designs are often very detailed, while simulation models are more general in nature. While this innate capability to verify functionality under all possible conditions leads to an extremely thorough verification, it can also lead to false mismatches. This may happen, for example, if designers are not aware of strange or unusual input port combinations that are not legal and try to verify proper operation. In such cases designers must take time to constrain the appropriate inputs to prevent these combinations from being verified. While care is needed in applying these new symbolic simulation-based tools, there are benefits to using them other than their obvious ability to find differences between simulation models and Spice circuits. Debugging differences, for example, is illustrative of the difference between cone-based tools, vector tools, and symbolic simulation tools. Symbolic simulation runs very quickly because one symbol can replace many vectors. When differences are found, the simulation automatically re-runs in vector mode and dumps out binary vectors that expose the mismatch. Waveforms can then be compared using these binary vectors, enabling differences to be pinpointed quickly. The time from error detection by symbolic simulation until the creation of these binary vectors that drive a waveform display is usually a few minutes or less. When debugging using traditional vector-based simulation, designers are often faced with analyzing a huge vector set that’s been run over hundreds or thousands of cycles. Such errors often occur long before the failure is visible on the output pins. The use of symbolic simulation has been found to provide productivity improvements of 10x to 100x in such situations because it produces the simplest possible vector that demonstrates the error, eliminating huge amounts of distracting data. Examples of problems found Full-custom memory design problems are grouped into three categories:
Limitations and areas for improvement As with all EDA tools available today, symbolic simulation tools will continue to benefit from increased performance and enhanced debug and diagnostic aids. Graphical user interfaces will not only encourage new users to adopt the tool earlier in the design phase but also improve the efficiency of experienced users. Summary Equivalence checking has been widely adopted as part of the verification flow for full-custom memories and macros by circuit designers today. Cone-based equivalence checking is extremely effective for synthesizable designs with gate-level implementations, but cannot be easily adapted to behavioral models or full-custom circuits such as memories, standard cell & I/O libraries, and custom logic blocks. Symbolic simulation extends cone-based equivalence checking coverage into the full-custom space. It is a complement to, and should be used in conjunction with, the other equivalence-checking methodologies. Symbolic simulation techniques are especially productive when used early in the design flow as simulation models and circuit designs are being created. Paul Hoxey is a VLSI Design Engineer at ARM. He’s responsible for designing and verifying full-custom memories and macros for embedded core cells. Clayton McDonald is an R&D Circuit Manager at Synopsys. He and his team develop circuit design and analysis software used in transistor-level verification tools. David Guinther is a Product Marketing Manager at Synopsys. He works with designers, application engineers and software developers to specify and develop sign-off tools for ICs.
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